ホーム > 経済研究所 > 報告書・その他刊行物 > Engineering Industries of Japan(アニュアルレポート)一覧 > Engineering Industries of Japan(アニュアルレポート)詳細

Engineering Industries of Japan(アニュアルレポート) 詳細

Engineering Industries of Japan No.47(March 2013)




1. Trend of the Machine Industry in Japan
1.1. Trend of the production, shipment, etc. of the machine industry
1.2. Situation of the capital investment of the machine industry
1.3. Situation of the export of the machine industry
1.4. Situation of the import of the machine industry

2. Trends by business caregory
2.1. Electronic device production equipment
2.2. Medical equipment
2.3. Automobiles
2.4. Aircraft

 Issued in March 2013